Our tantric massages for men and women

Tantric massage

Tantric massage is a sensual rite of veneration. It is a ceremony that celebrates your body as the temple of your soul. It will be touched tenderly and with our full attention. Every part of your body will be massaged, relaxed, energised and eroticized. Music, tenderness and surprising touches open up the senses. Sexual energy develops and flows to every part of your body. You can express your emotions - a sigh, a smile, a grunt of well-being, even tears - it's a release for you and your body.

Classical Tantra

Sensual full-body massage with an integrated intimate massage
Duration 90 minutes - CHF 300

Luxury Tantra

Sensual full-body massage with extended intimate massage
Duration 120 minutes - CHF 380


Sensual full-body massage with extended intimate massage and massage of the prostate
Duration 120 minutes - CHF 400

Supreme Tantra

Extended full-body and intimate massage to open the door to new experiences. unexpected and renewed pleasures. Prostate massage on request.
Duration 150 minutes - CHF 460

4-hand tantric massage

During a 4-hand massage, the attention of the person being massaged cannot be focused on just one person. They can let go in a different way, opening up and receiving intensely. The complicity and harmony between the givers, and their desire to do good, create a beneficial rhythm, a shared pulse that takes you on a journey.
If four hands touch you, the sensations are multiplied. The notion of time disappears and you are bathed in happiness.
Duration 90 minutes - CHF 600

Intense lingam massage

After a short full-body massage, our attention will focus on the lingam massage (a Sanskrit word that describes the physical and spiritual aspect of the male sex). This massage alternates between stimulation and relaxation for a long time. The aim of this massage is to achieve lasting sexual pleasure, a pleasure that takes a step back from arousal. It teaches the person being massaged to relax during stimulation, to let go of their ego, to expand the energy of their being and to let themselves be transported into a dimension beyond the search for an orgasm. After such a massage, the pressure to ejaculate often disappears and is replaced by multiple, more internal orgasms and waves of pleasure. This practice will help you better manage your sexual impulses and enrich your life as a couple. Prostate massage can be included.
Duration 60 minutes - CHF 300
